There are so many options to “see” the spine.
Imaging, ultrasound, clinical testing. What’s best? That depends.
Your McHenry chiropractic spinal pain doctor at OrthoIllinois Chiropractic
uses the test(s) that are necessary to “see’’
the spine best to create the best treatment plan
for treatment and relief.
Chiropractors in addition to general
practitioners and other healthcare providers must be on the look
out for all sorts of underlying causes of
back pain from fractures, infections, tumors, radiculopathy, axial
spondylarthritis, and extravertebral causes. These may call for
imaging, lab tests, etc., to help identify. 20%
of back pain bouts may have these types of
underlying conditions that really should be found
in a timely manner. (1) Occasionally, knee osteoarthritis and
lumbar spondylosis come together in the same patient.
Having one or the other issue significantly raised
the odds of having the other. (2) Though they’re not
likely in your vocabulary, they are in your chiropractor’s! Schmorl’s nodes. Seen
on imaging, these are noted in 33% of low back pain patients and in only
11.5% of subjects without symptoms. Body weight
seems to influence the number of these viewed on imaging. (3) Your
McHenry chiropractor is informed of these and more issues.
Reduced balance capability could possibly
impact recovery from low back pain. (4) OrthoIllinois Chiropractic looks
for depressive symptoms as they tend to contribute to
more primary care visits in acute low back pain patients, greater
pain intensity, more disability, and diminished recovery in acute
and chronic back pain patients. (5) You are a whole person! [[companyame]] sees
you that way. So what else do we look for? All
that may slow down your recovery.
Whether you have low back pain or neck pain or low back or neck related leg or arm pain, your
McHenry chiropractor will direct your care be it
just for a diagnosis and referral to the appropriate healthcare
colleague or for the formation of an in-house treatment
plan leading to pain relief. We are here for you. We study
the spine research to keep up with all the latest in
diagnostic tips and tools. And we offer pain-relieving spinal manipulation
via The Cox® Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression System of
Spinal Pain Mangement. Spinal manipulation has shown itself
through research to be effective in managing
low back pain as fast as immediately. Stiffness and tone were seen
to improve right after treatment while elasticity decreased. (6)
CONTACT OrthoIllinois Chiropractic
Listen to the PODCAST
with Dr. Joseph D’Angiollilo on the
Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he
describes how he uncovered a
spinal tumor in his careful clinical exam of a
man with back pain. Uncommon, yes, but such a source
of pain can be found by a well-trained and experienced
chiropractor like your McHenry chiropractor. You’re in
good hands!
Schedule your next McHenry
chiropractic appointment with OrthoIllinois Chiropractic. With so many ways available to “see”
your spine, know that we will find what’s going on and a way
to get you some pain relief. We look forward to seeing you at your next
chiropractic visit!