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Spine Articles

Neck Curvature: Big Deal? Pain Is.

McHenry chiropractic neck pain patients usually want relief for their neck pain. The curve of the neck is interesting to most patients, but pain relief is their focus.

More Knowledge, Less Invasive Care, Less Back Surgery

Location, practice type, and education influence the type and occurrence of back surgery. OrthoIllinois Chiropractic is available to McHenry back pain patients as they decide on surgery or seek relief after back surgery should the pain continue.

Look to the Spine!

OrthoIllinois Chiropractic relies on the latest evidence-based approach to diagnosing and treating spine related pain. OrthoIllinois Chiropractic looks to the spine for answers!

Warning for Backpack Wearers Young and Old(er)

Backpacks worn by youth and adults are risks for low back pain that OrthoIllinois Chiropractic meets every day. McHenry chiropractic patients are encouraged to find other ways to carry their stuff!

Neck Pain and Migraine: Chiropractic Help

McHenry migraine sufferers – about 15% of us – wonder about alternatives to manage the migraine and associated neck pain. OrthoIllinois Chiropractic’s chiropractic care may just be relieving.

Scoliosis: New Predictor of Curve Progression

Trust OrthoIllinois Chiropractic to monitor any progression of a scoliotic curve. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis keeps its young patients, parents and McHenry chiropractor on alert!

A Short Leg May Lead to Back Pain

Back pain may be yours if you have a short leg and stand on it all day at work. It throws your spine out of line a bit, so let OrthoIllinois Chiropractic help diagnose and address any short leg you may have.

Osteoporosis and Diabetes Linked

OrthoIllinois Chiropractic finds it interesting that an old test like the DEXA scan has a new purpose. It can check for osteoporosis risk and diabetes risk!